sábado, 30 de marzo de 2013
lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013
gravísimo delito es hacer el saludo olímpico (o romano) …en Grecia!
gravísimo delito es hacer el saludo olímpico (o romano) …en Grecia!
By VuelosinfinLUNES, 18 DE MARZO DE 2013
Celebración nazi en GreciaGiorgios Katidis, jugador del AEK de Atenas y de sólo 20 años de edad, celebró un gol suyo ante el Veria con el saludo nazi. Después del partido, el jugador se explicó:”Aborrezco el fascismo. No lo haría si supiera que eso significa algo. Conozco las consecuencias y no lo haría nunca”.
Tras el partido, el entrenador del AEK, el alemán Ewald Lienen, intentó justificar la acción de su jugador: “Es un chico joven que no tiene ideología política. Quizá haya visto este saludo en Internet o en algún otro sitio y lo hizo sin saber lo que significaba”, comentó al término del partido en declaraciones recogidas por el Daily Mail.
La Federación Helénica de Fútbol, por su parte, optó por no poner paños calientes a la situación y actuó de inmediato, imponiendo a Katidis una sanción de 20 años sin poder vestir la camiseta de la selección griega. Se trunca así un futuro que se antojaba prometedor, ya que llegó a ser el capitán de la selección sub-19.
El AEK aún no se ha pronunciado más que para emitir un comunicado oficial en el que pide disculpas por el comportamiento del jugador. La junta directiva ateniense se reunirá en los próximos días para decidir el futuro del jugador.
Nota de CLIPEUS: Hasta 1939… el saludo romano, también llamado ibérico, habia sido adoptado como un saludo típico de los deportistas… hasta el punto que en la Olimpiada de Berlin, en 1936, la representación francesa (y…entonces Francia tenía un gobierno presidido por el judio Leon Blum) hizo el saludo que ya entonces también utilizaban algunos movimientos políticos, como el PNF, FE y el NSDAP.
Mucho ha cambiado el mundo… cuando resulta que ese saludo, (que su original significado expresa intención de paz puesto que muestra la mano abierta… y sin arma…) es motivo para que un jugador de futbol sea sancionado de forma tan contundente.
La Federación Helénica de Fútbol, por su parte, optó por no poner paños calientes a la situación y actuó de inmediato, imponiendo a Katidis una sanción de 20 años sin poder vestir la camiseta de la selección griega. Se trunca así un futuro que se antojaba prometedor, ya que llegó a ser el capitán de la selección sub-19.
El AEK aún no se ha pronunciado más que para emitir un comunicado oficial en el que pide disculpas por el comportamiento del jugador. La junta directiva ateniense se reunirá en los próximos días para decidir el futuro del jugador.
Nota de CLIPEUS: Hasta 1939… el saludo romano, también llamado ibérico, habia sido adoptado como un saludo típico de los deportistas… hasta el punto que en la Olimpiada de Berlin, en 1936, la representación francesa (y…entonces Francia tenía un gobierno presidido por el judio Leon Blum) hizo el saludo que ya entonces también utilizaban algunos movimientos políticos, como el PNF, FE y el NSDAP.
Mucho ha cambiado el mundo… cuando resulta que ese saludo, (que su original significado expresa intención de paz puesto que muestra la mano abierta… y sin arma…) es motivo para que un jugador de futbol sea sancionado de forma tan contundente.
1 comentario:
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viernes, 8 de marzo de 2013
BENEDICTUS XVI…martir vivo
BENEDICTUS XVI…martir vivo
Tras la dimisión del Romano Pontífice… “Televisión Española”…
lo celebró emitiendo el filme anticatólico y antibenedictino “El nombre de la rosa”,
basadso en la novela de un autor posiblemente masón y judeo-italiano, Umberto Eco.
Tras la dimisión del Romano Pontífice… “Televisión Española”…
lo celebró emitiendo el filme anticatólico y antibenedictino “El nombre de la rosa”,
basadso en la novela de un autor posiblemente masón y judeo-italiano, Umberto Eco.
miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013
problemas de Aritmética
problemas de Aritmética
By VuelosinfinMIÉRCOLES, 6 DE MARZO DE 2013
problemas de Aritmética
How will history remember the Holocaust, historic horror or historic hoax? It depends on whether or not World Zionism controls the history? For decades, most people accepted the Holocaust as true. There were some doubters. Internet search engines like Google or Yahoo cited thousands of articles, affirming or doubting it. But that’s over. Like the mass media the search engines are now entirely owned or controlled by zionists. (Where do they get the financing?) A tsunami has swept across the search engines, purging all but Zionist sites, universally claiming that 6 million Jews were butchered in “nazi death camps” between 1940 and 1945 and that all questioners are anti-semites. Why did Zionism feel it necessary to launder the search engines? Is the Holocaust vulnerable? What is the true history? Today, Zionists claim there were 17 million Jews in 1940 and 11 million in 1945, a loss of 6 million. You see it everywhere, in the schools, movies, television, radio, newspaper, history, literature and on thousands of monuments and memorials throughout the Zionist world. And now on the internet. Note this number has remained constant for over a half century. It must be understood that the word “Jews” as used in this article primarily refers to a race of Khazars from Asia, called “Asiatics” by Benjamin Franklin. Today in Europe and America, Khazars constitute the majority of “Jews” (cf. Benjamin Freedman). And a majority of Khazars are Zionists. Modern Zionism is a highly organized political movement; it is not a religion. It is focused on its “ladder” to world domination and is extremely well financed. The Holocaust is its heart and soul. It originated in the 1800’s backed by Rothschild and demanded its own nation in Palestine. In 1916 England promised this in the the Balfour Declaration, prepared by Rothschild and Brandeis, to bring US into World War I for England, but reneged. It took universal sympathy for the Holocaust after World War II to induce the nations to turn over part of Palestine to the Zionists in 1948. But there was a danger, the flag of Israel was hung on a Holocaust flagpole. The Holocaust also produced the Holocaust Industry in which hundreds of billions are collected for the “victims”, their descendants and for Israel ad infinitum. Finally, the Holocaust is probably the greatest political cudgel in history. And World Zionism will stop at nothing to crush all investigations or questions about the Holocaust. What’s their problem? Wikipedia is a well known encyclopedia on the internet, sympathetic to the Holocaust. Yet comparing its “Holocaust” article with its “death camp” articles produces major problems. We’ve all heard of Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Dachau, Treblinka, etc., names that cause a shiver of dread and horror even today, thanks to constant Zionist media repetition and reinforcement. But there are also many other camps: Bergen-Belsen, Belzec, Chelmno, Jasenovak, Majdanek, Sobibor, Sachenhausen, Sangerhausen, Flossenburg, Grini, Klooga, Landsberg-am-Lech, Flöha, Oranienburg, Hamburg-Neuengamme, Mauthausen, Natzweiler, Ravensbrück, Maly Trostinets and Theresienstadt. Much of the information is based on Zionist estimates, documents and testimony with little hard evidence. According to Wikipedia, 3.8 million people died in the following “extermination camps…80 to 90% were Jews or half of the Jews killed in the Holocaust”: Auschwitz 1.4 million deaths X 85% or 1.2 million Jews Treblinka 870,000 deaths X 85% or 740,000 Jews Belzek 600,000 deaths X 85% or 510,000 Jews Jasenovak 600,000 deaths X 85% or (Few Jews) Chelmno 320,000 deaths X 85% or 272,000 Jews Majdanek 360,000 deaths X 85% or 306,000 Jews Sobibor 250,000 deaths X 85% or 212,000 Jews But when you read the Wikipedia articles on the individual camps, significant discrepancies begin to emerge, as shown in the following abstracts: In 1989 Auschwitz corrected its monuments and reduced the number of deaths from 4 million to 1.1 million yet the 6 million total never changed (the savings at Auschwitz were picked up in other camps). Also, the International Red Cross and detailed German death records indicate that only about 150,000 died at Auschwitz of whom 30,000 were Jews. Wikipedia ignores or dismisses such records. (Compare with 1.2 million above.) In Treblinka, The Höfle Telegram listed 713,555 Jews killed up to the end of December 1942. With the addition of 1943 transports listed in Yitzhak Arad’s book, one may arrive at the figure 800,000. (Compare with 740,000 above.) At Belzek, at least 434,500 Jews were killed. (Compare with 510,000 above.) The Jasenovac Memorial Area keeps a list of 69,842 names of Jasenovac victims: 39,580 Serbs, 14,599 Roma, 10,700 Jews, 3,462 Croats as well as people of some other ethnicities. (“The world’s eminent authority on Holocaust victims, Yad Vashem Center, claims 600,000.”) In the Chelmno camp, at least 152,000 people were killed, mainly Jews from the Lódz Ghetto. (Compare with 272,000 above.) According to the official Majdanek State Museum about 300,000 inmates passed through the camp, over 40% Jews. The most recent research by the Majdanek Museum indicates that there were 78,000 victims, 59,000 of whom were Jews. (Compare with 306,000 above.) At least 250,000 people were killed in Sobibór. The victims were mostly Jews from Poland. The deaths listed for the remaining sites do not come close to another 3.8 million, much less 80 to 90% Jews. Some samples are: The total number of deaths at Buchenwald is estimated at 56,545 with little mention of Jews. At Bergen-Belsen, an estimated 50,000 people died there, up to 35,000 of them dying of typhus in the first few months of 1945. Of the roughly 30,000 wartime victims at Sachsenhausen, most were Russian prisoners of war. At Maly Trostenets Yad Vashem currently estimates the number killed as 65,000 while German historian Christian Gerlach estimates the number to be in the range of 40,000-60,000, mostly Jews from Minsk. At Ravensbruk, about 30,000 to 40,000 women and children perished there, mostly Polish, few Jews. Various historians place the total death toll in the four main camps of Mauthausen, Gusen I, Gusen II and Gusen III at between 55,000 and 60,000. Over 200,000 prisoners were housed in Dachau of which nearly one-third were Jews; 32,099 prisoners are believed to have died in the camp and almost another 10,000 in its subcamps, primarily from disease. At Dachau signs now read that the facilities were never used as gas chambers to murder anyone. In fact, there’s no evidence that any “death camps” used poison gas, gas chambers or gas ovens to kill. Yet Wikipedia lists millions of Jews murdered in every camp in poison gas chambers that could hold thousands of people at a time. This is necessary to account for the number of deaths, “75% of all European Jews”. Wikipedia also states that 11 million people died in the “death camps”, almost the same number of non-Jews as Jews. How does this fit with the claim that 80 to 90% of the deaths in the principal “death camps” were Jews. Millions of non-Jews have just disappeared. Finally, Wikipedia states that the first credible news of the “death camps” arrived in the West around D-Day, June, 1944, yet the Holocaust Industry is still trying to collect reparations from America for its failure to intervene at an earlier date in the European War on behalf of the Jews. An important objective study, which is suppressed, is the 1948 report by the International Red Cross, covering its activities during World War II (1942-1945) in the camps maintained by the German authorities. They were allowed to deliver over one million parcels of food, clothing and medicine to the inmates. It stated their efforts were hindered not by the Germans but by the Allied blockade of Germany and the dire situation in Germany during the final months of the war was due to “the barbarous aerial warfare of the Allies” (carpet bombing). It also states that large numbers of “the three million or so European Jews avoided internment altogether”. Did they say 3 million? (It seems there was a massive migration of Jews out of Europe in the 1930’s to America and in the 1940’s to Israel.) There is no mention whatsoever of genocide, gas chambers, death showers, poison gas, etc.; quite the contrary. In lengthy books about World War II written by Churchill and Eisenhower, there is not a single mention of Jews being genocided in Nazi “death camps”. Qualified engineers inspected the “death camps” and stated that the facilities were showers and could not be used as gas chambers and that the alleged deaths were “impossible”. They were imprisoned. There is ample testimony of eyewitness inmates which belie the existence of “death camps”. They are suppressed or imprisoned. The Nuremberg trials were hate theater orchestrated by the Zionists under the London Agreement. Testimony was obtained by torture. German generals were castrated by constant kicks to the groin. In 1933 Samuel Untermeyer said there were 14 million Jews in the world. By 1940 this exploded to 17 million (an astonishing racial fecundity) and then imploded to 11 million in 1945 due to the Holocaust. But in an article in 1948, Hanson Baldwin, the war expert of the New York Times, said there were then 15 to 17 million Jews in the world, almost the same number as 1940. Earlier demographers said that there were 14 to 15 million Jews during the period of the “Holocaust”. Today there are less than 14 million, about the same number as in 1933. Almost half are now in the United States, twice the number of 1920. Here’s how Wikipedia explains the discrepancies: “Deniers often use the ‘Four Million Variant’ as a stepping stone to leap…to the idea that the Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by a [Zionist] conspiracy. They hope to discredit historians by making them seem inconsistent. One must wonder which historians they speak of, as most have been remarkably consistent in their estimates of a million or so dead. In short, all of the denier’s blustering about the ‘Four Million Variant’ is a specious attempt to envelope the reader into their web of deceit, and it can be discarded after the most rudimentary examination of published histories.” Then why are Zionists still using the 6 million number, knowing it is “specious”? Millions of non-Jews died, too. The numbers don’t make sense. Do Zionists fear any inquiries will prove there was no Holocaust at all and thus “stone wall” all inquiries? It’s like the Protocols. In the 1930’s they had a Swiss judge (Meyer) declare the Protocols a forgery but this was reversed on appeal. Yet Zionism still claims the Protocols are a proven forgery. The “web of deceit” is clearly Zionist. According to one article, “The carnage of World War II surpassed that of World War I. German war losses alone were estimated at 7 million, about half of whom died in battle. Ruined, defeated, and divided into zones of occupation, a much smaller Germany emerged in 1945 with a population about the same as in 1910.” (Russian losses were immeasurable; it bore the brunt of the German Army.) After the war, millions more Germans died by starvation and disease in a ruined society, and 1.5 million German soldiers died in Eisenhower’s Andersonville-like death camps, under the infamous and barbarous Morganthau Baruch Plans. American soldiers were then, as in World War I and today, the unwitting rapiers of Zionist hatred and greed. Note the commanders of the Allied Army in Europe, Eisenhower and Clark, were Jews. Apparently, Zionists will stop at nothing to crush all inquiries of the Holocaust by every possible means. Their reach and fanaticism is awesome. They have a “million eyes” watching everything and everybody (cf. the Protocols). What are they afraid of? Is the Holocaust a “house of cards”? If it falls, so does Zionism, Israel and the lucrative Holocaust Industry. And, despite the conditioning of the Zionist media monopoly, people everywhere are waking up to its deceptions. Then will the Zionist Era and its Protocol Chaos together with its perpetual wars, panics, poverty, depressions, revolutions, aggressions, assassinations, false flags, monopolies, debt and demagoguery come to an end./? The slaughter of mankind, cease and Peace, rule./? Spread the word on all the sites, forums and message boards. There should be an objective investigation of the Holocaust, free of the influence of France, Britain, and America. AIPAC now requires all US Congressional candidates to first pledge their loyalty to Zionism. Zionists rule Washington absolutely (London and Paris, too). Never have a people been swept by so many armies of secret police. Where is our loyal military? The world wonders! Acknowledgment: This information was obtained from an uncensored internet. Men can never be secure from tyranny, if there is no means to escape it till they are perfectly under it and therefore, they have not only a right to get out of it but to prevent it. John Locke Memorial Day, 2007 D. Cassidy === http://whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/holofour.php |
By VuelosinfinMIÉRCOLES, 6 DE MARZO DE 2013
Copio del blog YUGO Y ATRIL cuyo autor es un maestro de la escritura castellana y un penetrante observador de la sociedad: el periodista segoviano Antonio Parra:
Es el principio del fin para un país cuando sus subditos se mofan de sus dioses, no quieren saber nada de nadie, ridiculizan su historia se dan a la molicie y al deleite o lo que llamaban los romanos “mundi illecebras”, y cuando los jueces toman protagonismo. Salustio en sus augustos Anales parece estar refiriendose a los españolitos y a los europeos de ahora mismo, aperreados y aporreados por este ciempiés que es el sistema político que llaman Democracia y que más que revertir, como su propio nombre indioca, al poder del pueblo, emite un tufo a cochambre de arbitrariedad y tiranías. La angustia y el desconcierto habita entre nosotros y esto no es buen remedio para vivir mucho. Esto nos dice que la gente pasa de todo y se pasa los días mirándose al ombligo, estragada por la gula y entregada a los deleites porque Baco y Venus van de pareja. El doctor Palma de la Inter publicita cada mañana unas pastillas para vigorizar eso y lo otro y andar bien empalmado y marcando paquete. Y yo me digo que para qué. Mataiotes mataoitetom kai panta mataiotá (de un sermón del Crisostomo : vanidad de vanidades y todo vanidad); balanos que se comerán los gusanos como le va a pasar al monarca que padece de un cáncer monorquítico y lo presentan como una hernia discal. Un poco más debajo de donde la espalda pierde su honesto nombre, señor doctor. Que nos quiere usté cvendernos la burra mal capada engañándonos como a chinos. Por todas partes surgen crímenes, robos, atentados. Se descomponen las familias. Corruptio optimi pessima decían los latinos y las corrupciones saltan al pairo de una sociedad estragada que ha perdido el norte corrompidas sus costumbres profanado el hogar y las mujeres dejan de parir. Nerón impuso la Ley Popea para acabar con los abortos tan frecuentes en Roma. El reino de la mentira y la fornicación apadrina la esterilidad. Así los pueblos se acaban y viene la desunión, las peleas de todo tipo ( i u r g a). La mariconería es compañera de cama de la destrucción moral. Las civilizaciones se destruyen desde dentro y por fuera. Una invasión por todo lo violenta que fuere no tiene carácter tan deletéreo como la desintegración interna. Quintiliano llamaba “trossoli” o pisaverdes a los sarasas y chaperos que se paseaban por el capitolio. Ovidio quejábase de que para las matronas fuese más importante el peine y las calamistra (tenacillas para rizar los cabellos) que el marido. Que se la digan a la Campos y a todas esas divas que mueven el esqueleto o lucen palmito en pasarela por nuestras pantallas. Cuerpos perfectos sin alma dentro. Sociedad venal, mercado de esclavas que se exhiben en la catasta. Malo cuando todo revierte al cuidado del cuerpo y al placer. Corpus nec negligere nec nimis curare decet. Ni negligencia excesiva ni tampoco una atención escrupulosa. Un término miedo. Virtus in medio est. Esto era en aquel entonces. Ahora ellas andan con la báscula en la mano para cuidar la línea y ellos se entregan al pedestrismo o se machacan el cuerpo en el gimnasio. Venden bien los libros para reducir peso y los que hablan de calistenia. Mundo mane, mundo moderno; la hora de los buitres. Nadie cree en la otra vida, se ríen de los dioses. Entonces los atletas y los gladiadores perecían de muerte súbita, o rendidos por el esfuerzo. Y hoy tampoco suelen vivir porque profanan una de las reglas de la naturaleza que es el suum cuique o a cada uno a lo suyo y todo a su hora. Se recomienda el ne quid nimis, fórmula del clásico para gozar del summum bonum a día de hoy: la longevidad. Evitar el estrés. Reírse pero nunca de los dioses y tener por norte y guía de nuestros actos la moderación y la justicia. Hoy hay pleitos y agresividad por todas partes. La gente no es feliz. Se mueren de cáncer flagelo del siglo XXI aunque hayan dejado de fumar, van al infierno (horcum). A causa de ese morbum que son las peleas interiores, la agresividad, la falta de contén en las relaciones humanas. Don Asrturo Mas ese bocazas nos ladra y amenaza en catalán. Rajoy en el parlamenta hace la bombilla con florido discursos decimononos. Miente más que habla. Es la vera efigie del gallego encaramado a la escalera. Pocos le quieren. Consejo: no ver ninguna tertulia televisiva, no escuchar la radio, no comprar un solo periódico que son libelos de la mentira. La información se ha convertido en provocación y amenaza. Todas estas escopetas las carga el diablo. A veces no vendría mal tampoco aprender latín mientras se sigue el ejemplo de los justos de Israel.Justus ut palam florebit. Florecerá el justo cual palmera.
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